速報APP / 商業 / Helion Mobile Research

Helion Mobile Research





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本




Helion Mobile Research(圖1)-速報App

What is Helion Mobile Research™ ?

Helion MR™ is the offline data collection tool for Helion Market Research www.helionresearch.com. Helion MR™ enables easy and accurate data collection and delivery. It is FREE for registered Helion Evaluators use and is perfectly suited for mystery shopping, client intercept surveys, exit surveys, targeted marketing surveys, internal audits and many other forms of data collection. For more information about Helion Research or to sign up as a mystery shopper, please visit www.helionresearch.com.

Benefits of using Helion MR™:

- Mobility - you can complete your assignments right on location.

Helion Mobile Research(圖2)-速報App

- Work Offline – Helion MR™ downloads your assigned evaluations so you can work indoors where wireless signals may not be available.

- Simple and intuitive user interface

- Jump to any part of the evaluation

- Swap styles between the night and normal themes to enable working more effectively at night

Helion Mobile Research(圖3)-速報App

If you’re interested in becoming a Helion Evaluator please visit www.helionresearch.com

Helion Mobile Research(圖4)-速報App